A list of things to be done before the big 3-0….

So it’s exactly 11 months to the day that I turn 30. Which actually is an odd co-incidence, as I’d planned to do this blog after reading this post from A Thrifty Mrs. It originally caught my eye because of the fact it was talking about long hair and the battle between cutting it and […]

Birthday Reflections: My 6th Birthday (I think….)

Last in the series….which for me to actually do a whole week of posts is pretty good, as more than once I suffered from blog-itis and didn’t want to post, but other than friday night shenanigans, I managed to keep going! So as I said, the last one and then I can resume normal blogging […]

Birthday Reflections: My 10th (I think!) and 29th – the extended remix

So, anyone that’s been paying any attention to the fact I’ve been doing a photo mini series will notice I didn’t post yesterday. Basically, I ran out of time! Yes, I should have done it before then and then posted it at the right time, but hell, if I was the sort of person that […]

Birthday Reflections: My 16th

I’m feeling decidedly blah today….have no clue why, despite a full night’s sleep I still ended up having a mini nap this afternoon. Maybe all this navel gazing and nostalgia fest has lowered my mood….or maybe its just the post birthday come-down….but I’ve a night out tomorrow night, full of lovely people I’ve not seen […]

Birthday Reflections: My 21st

So, my lovelies, the next installment of my trip down birthday memory lane….I must say, out of all my birthdays, this was the most memorable. I’m not going to say best ever, because well, I figure that’s the sort of thing you can only truly say on your death-bed, right? Anywho, a little scene setting. […]

Birthday Reflections: my 29th

Greetings readers! So, today has been my 29th, and I think I’ve finally cracked this birthday lark….spread stuff out, so you can have endless enjoyment, and therefore no pressure on one day alone. simple. So, its been lovely and relaxing today, I started off with a new ‘do which I’m pretty happy about despite stressing […]