How I love tea, let me count the ways…

Have I told you how I’m obsessed with tea? The drink, not the meal that really is called dinner (although I am fairly fond of all meal times, obviously). When I was a little girl, I started drinking tea then albeit more milk with a dash of tea. My dad was a massive fan of […]

When I grow up I want to be….

I’ve always had a fascination with libraries. To me they are a place of wonder, and have served me well over the years, from helping to fuel my childhood reading obsession to printing off my school homework back in the dark ages when hardly anyone had a computer at home; from the large and spacious […]

What a lovely day….

It really was as well. Now, I will say that I was already in a good mood. Partly for all the flattery I’d been receiving via those new-fangled electronic messages they have, but mostly because it dawned on me – I’ve cracked this confidence thing. Ok, I still have days when I feel like total […]

What’s In My Handbag?

I really am a rather nosy girl. I’m not even kidding, there’s nothing I like more than finding out things about people I know, those bits of information that we’d never think to reveal but are always endlessly fascinating. For me, one prime example is the common or garden handbag. Now, I’m definitely more a […]

A round up of presents…

So, I’ve been a bit lack in that I’ve not yet posted the many, many pictures I took over Christmas…mainly of presents and food….not because I’ve been wanting to be all ‘look at my stash and weep’ but because people put so much thought into them, and I wanted to share my joy in people […]

A Lovely Week Thus Far…

I’m definitely the sort of girl who enjoys christmas. Well, mostly but I intend to write a post that explains why I find christmas slightly bittersweet later….anyway, I enjoy the run up, and the present buying, and the food eating. Ohhh the food eating. But the thing I enjoy the most is the getting to […]