Another delightful day…

So today was full of fun and frolics with three out of five of the O’Leary clan….in other words headed into town with my sister, and the two youngest nieces….which sounds perfectly pleasant, and it was but daaaaammmnnn my middle niece is stubborn. I thought I could throw strops but she beats me hands down! I was impressed with her knowledge of Disney Princesses when tested by the shop worker in the Disney Store…she was gazing at the full set that costs like £100 the sort of lust that I get when I walk in Waterstones. Or any shop that sells handbags. Anyway, the only one she couldn’t remember was Mulan, but heck, even I forget who she is sometimes! We basically had to almost drag her out in the end, but then I’ve kinda done that myself in shops before…..including there!

A whirlwind, whistle-stop tour of town as my sister did some xmas shopping….well, topping it up actually, she’s one of those organised sorts that has it all mostly done and dusted. You’ll all remember from yesterday that I’ve not even started yet. I’m in denial!

I’m entirely digressing though. I actually wore nice clothes and even more astoundingly I took a picture of them. I probably should show you all now, right?

Cardigan – Evans // Top – Yours Clothing //Jeans – Evans // Necklace – All Saints

I was doing ym own take on that All Saints esque-ish look….I had my All Saints bag and scarf on too, so I was hoping that helped create the look I was going for. I’ve had this conversation with someone before that the one thing about being plus size is that I don’t fit in their clothes! And about a gazillion other places I’d die to be able to!

One final set of pictures…..which are me and the sister wearing a costa table topper on our head….the niece started it, I took her picture and then she made me take ours. Apparently we were being witches….I think the idea is that its our pointy hat!

Many apologies for the really bad camera phone pictures…..I was trying to take them quickly because we were sat right next to the counter and I didn’t want people to stare any more than they probably were. Talking of cameras though, I got out of a lift in John Lewis today and walked straight smack into the sort of camera I’d love to own….I do recall making some remark if my sister was to win the lottery, I’d like that as an xmas present. Not quite sure why I didn’t wish to win the lottery for myself!

So, that’s it. Not much really, but that’s the beauty of outfit posts….dont need to do much because there are clothes in it!

4 thoughts on “Another delightful day…

  1. That All Saints necklace is fabulous and I’m really keen on the Yours Clothing top too – they are perfection together.

    Yep – I think the All Saints conversation was you and I having a ramble about what a wonderful shop it is!

    Jem xXx

    • Thankyou… was the necklace and top combo that came to me as the starting point, really! And yes, I know it was you that I had that conversation with, I just didnt want to say because otherwise it looks like I never speak to anyone else!

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