Spread a little Christmas cheer….

Are any of you thinking of Christmas at the moment? I am. Mainly because my coin purse has cobwebs currently, until the beginning of December at least. But I’m still very much so looking on the interweb for presents. Not for me. Well, mostly not for me! So, I’m going to be kind and lovely and share with you my thoughts on what works for different age ranges, sexes, tastes via the medium of people I know. Sound good? No? Well, I’m doing it anyway….oh I amuse myself easily!

Firstly, My mum. Or in fact anyone with taste in handbags. This could easily have been my sister, but I’ve something else in mind for her. Oh, and disclaimer: these are not anyone’s actual presents. Mainly because in this virtual world, money is no object!

So, I’d chose her gift via Radley’s new swanky online gift shop. If you’ve a budget, colour or person in mind, its pretty handy to find what you’re after

Radley xmas gift guide

I’d get her something from the Cheadle range….the colours, fabrics and patterns are quite her….or anything that is more classic Radley….she’s a classic sort of person really

(Whereas I am not. I very much oohed and aahed over what was in their Unique shop type!)

So to my sister. Now she knows what she’s getting because she’s asked for it and specified no deviation from agreed present…which if someone wants something, what better to buy them then what they ask for? Well, actually I’d buy her something that I know always goes down well with her….

Fossil Delicate Stainless Steel Watch – Rose – £95

I’m not going to mention what I’d buy the nieces….mainly because it would be pretty much the same as now….little girls are pretty easy to shop for, I find! Although, that being said, I could possibly become the most indulgent auntie in the whole world and get them hooked onto fashion early via….

My Even More Wonderful World of Fashion –  Nina Chakrabarti – £9.29 via Waterstones Online

Although I’d suspect that this auntie would feel the need to go around and help….maybe I should just buy it for myself!

Now, usually I find shopping for my brother-in-law Joe impossibly hard. But Etsy is quite good in that it utilises Facebook to give you suggestions via what your friends like on there. Nifty that! It gave me a flash of inspiration….at first I was going to suggest some sort of extremely achingly cool film print, but most of them include swearing so I cant see that going up in their household, even if I’m playing ‘Fantasy Xmas Shopping’….

So instead I’d buy him these.

Mens Converse All Star Print Batman Trainers – Schuh £53

The majority of my friends I find it hard to buy for….mainly because I just tend to see what’s the right thing to get them when I see it. However, there are two people who I could shop for standing on my head, I reckon.

First up, the lovely Jem. Unique and one-off is the name of the game most probably…

Illustrated Teacup – £34 from Etsy

Dont know why, but the whimsy of the hand-drawn design and the vintage teacup beneath drew me to it for her…

Secondly is the equally lovely Esther…..whom I talk to *a lot* via Facebook and thus feel like I could easily shop for her….so here goes….

Wedgwood Harlequin  Collection, Polka Dot Tea Story Cake stand £60

I could go on and on, actually…..there are lots of other people who I probably could buy presents for easily, if money was no object….some that live halfway across the world….others that live in different parts of the country to me….others that live down the road and I know well….other bloggers that I feel I know enough about to shop for…my selection of whom to choose for was slightly influenced by where I was looking and how recently I’d spoken to them! But basically I don’t need any excuse to shop.

Finally…..if I was to play this same game for myself, I’d have Santa deliver a camera down my chimney….now I’ve absolutely not the foggiest what I’d get him to drop (gently) but isnt that the beauty of Christmas, the surprise?


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